Should I Rent a Dumpster?

Should I Rent a Dumpster?

When you have a lot of waste to discard, you may find yourself pondering whether you should rent a dumpster or take your junk to the local landfill yourself. There are definite pros and cons to each approach. Oaks Dumpster Rental is here to help you decide which option is right for you.

Amount of Trash

Just how much trash are we talking about? Are you cleaning out a shed that has a little more than your allowable trash pickup or are you doing a full house cleanout that will generate a literal ton of garbage? Predicting how much you’ll need to discard will definitely impact your decision on whether to rent a dumpster.


Most pickup trucks have a half ton capacity. That’s roughly 15 trash bags. If you’re taking on a large project, you may have to make several trips to the landfill to dispose of everything. Depending on the type of debris, this can be a lot of work. And you are going to have to make sure you transport your trash during the landfill’s operating hours.

Dumpsters are available in multiple sizes, so you aren’t limited by a truck bed. You can fill it as you work, and discard your junk right at your home at any time of the day or night. Your dumpster service will haul everything to the landfill for you when you’re ready.


Multiple trips to and from the landfill, hauling the trash in and out of the truck, taking breaks between loads — the time adds up quickly if you’re doing it yourself. This adds hours onto your project. Do you have the time to spare?

With a dumpster, you just put your trash in. That’s it. You can keep on working. Your dumpster service will haul away the debris whenever you’re ready.


If you’re taking your trash to the dump on your own, the landfill will charge you a fee. They may charge you a fee per load, where each “load” is determined by weight. Other dumps charge a base fee for a certain amount and then an additional fee for every pound over the base weight. Or they may charge a flat fee per pound of garbage. All of these options are based on weight, so unless you weigh your debris before taking it to the landfill, you won’t know what your cost is until you get there.

Oaks Dumpster Rental charges a simple rate depending upon the size dumpster you choose for your job. The rate includes delivery, pickup, applicable taxes, and disposal of one ton of debris. There are no hidden fees.

DIY or Dumpster?

Which will you choose? If you only have one or two pickup truckloads of trash, don’t mind taking the extra time and effort to make trips to the landfill, and are comfortable not knowing how the fees for disposal will add up, you’re probably in a good position to take your junk to the landfill on your own.

If you have a large project with a lot of debris, don’t want to stop in the middle of working to make trips to the dump, and prefer knowing the cost before you begin, a dumpster rental is right for you.

Is a dumpster in your future? Call Oaks Dumpster Rental at 585-225-6257 to schedule your dropoff today.

Author | Jen Burton, General Manager
Oaks Dumpster Rental